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Tanoa Hotels Marks Environment Day

Taking corporate social responsibility to another level, management and workers at the Tanoa Waterfront Hotel in Lautoka shrugged off uniforms and pulled on gumboots to clean up the Marine Drive foreshore area on Thursday.

Hotel general manager Narend Kumar said guests from the property often spent their morning walks along a walkway adjacent to the foreshore and had often remarked about litter and debris that lay strewn in the mud banks.”Because it was World Environ- ment Day, we thought it was an appropriate time to do something about clearing up the eyesore.” Mr Kumar said.

About 20 management and staff took part in the day-long operation. “We were amazed at the amount and type of debris.”It is obvious that people are using the foreshore as a dump site and from our observations, these type of activities are carried out under the cover of darkness and we are plead- ing with the people of Lautoka to stop throwing rubbish into our waterways and the sea.”

Lautoka special administrator Praveen Bala said rubbish bins were provided for people to deposit their litter and he urged Sugar City residents to refrain from littering in- discriminately.

Naren Kumar, left, with his staff clean up the foreshore at Marine Drive, Lautoka.